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CFE Nutrition News: Spring Active Season

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.”- Fred DeVito

Hello CrossFit Athletes!

Welcome to the Second Issue of Nutrition News!

Coaches Jayme and Amy are excited to bring you monthly information on all things health, nutrition, fitness, and occasionally wellness related. We will address topics that get our juices flowing and hopefully provide you with some helpful hints and nourishing ideas to help and support you on your journey.

“Every accomplishment begins with the decision to try.” — Gail Dever

Spring Active Season!

Spring is REALLY here, despite the stubborn fits and starts of ice and sleet giving way to spring rains and longer time with the sun feeding our earth and our bodies. Along with restful periods, creating a nutrition plan for the increase in activity and training and racing is a complex process that needs to consider the time of the effort, elevation gain, physiological effort, weather conditions, but also individual preferences and nutrition needs.

Activity Increase:

As your activity level increases your metabolism will, too! That means that the fuel your body needs will change to keep up with the increased need. For example, if you’ve added a day of working out to your routine, make sure you add a complex carbohydrate and/or lean protein to your meal plan. Types of nutrient dense carbohydrates are oatmeal, whole grain or seed bread, quinoa, brown rice, skin-on potatoes. Here’s an example of a healthy, sustainable 4-week Spring meal plan:

Habit Building:

Building healthy habits by choosing one change each week and doing something to instill it each day will help make this s sustainable process. Choose from one of the following: eating high quality carbohydrates, adding a half cup of vegetables to every meal and snack, swapping fast food for nuts or dried fruit, eat out less.

Pre-Run Fueling:

Fueling before a long run or a long training session is important to feel good, sustain your energy, and perform well! Aim for eating 2-3 hours before the session and choose a meal that is easy to digest, low in fiber, 200-500 calories with 15-20 gms of protein. An example is a bowl of white rice, banana, 2 Tbs nut butter, 1C plant or animal milk with a tsp of sugar-free protein powder.

Long Run Fueling:

For those of you are in it for the long haul you may need sustainable energy to keep those cells churning for the distance! The American College of Sports Medicine recommends consuming 30-60 grams of carbohydrate (about 240 calories) per hour during activity lasting longer than an hour. Quick sources of energy during a long run (>120 min): carbohydrate/protein bars or gels, bananas, trail mix. For the science geeks like me, here is a paper with detailed info about fueling for long runs:

As we Spring into action and feel more positive about our minds and bodies we can fuel well and thoughtfully with just a few changes in our routine. Consider asking a buddy to join your journey and get ready to watch each other succeed. Happy Spring everyone!

Written by Amy K. Whitson, MD, FACS

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