NEW – Coming October 2024 – 24/7 access with Hybrid AF

“CrossFit is Scary!”

I’m here to hit you with a hard truth. 

“Crossfit is scary, I could never do that!” 

Is CrossFit really scary or are you just scared to try? 

I get it, trying new things is scary! But you know what is even scarier…not being able to do day to day activities because your body is falling apart! 

What happens when your grandkids want to go play in the snow with you but you can’t? What happens when you fall down and can’t get back up? What happens when pick a box off the ground and hurt your back?

Now that is scary!!! 

So i challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and try something new that could save your life. 

If you accept my challenge then I promise to be there with you every step of the way!  

I GOT YOU! 💪❤️ Lets chat:

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